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Investing in Africa for Africa.


APCH brings together African investment knowledge and sector specific knowledge. Investments are founded on international best practice, adapted for the African investment environment.


APCH focuses to reduce the logistical costs in Sub-Saharan Africa supporting UN Sustainable Development Goals;
Goal 8 “promote sustainable economic growth” Goal 9 “build resilient infrastructure and promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization”


APCH recognizes that an efficient and effective infrastructure is vital for economic growth and development of the African continent. Sub-Saharan Africa continues to be one of the fastest growing regions globally in terms of GDP and population growth.

This growth is demanding several practical solutions, from creating employment for young labour force to sustainably aiding processing and manufacturing of African products in Africa.


To enable low cost transport corridor logistics to change lives in Africa

Investing in port and corridor infrastructure to reduce inland logistical cost


Invest and develop the most effective and efficient terminals to be multi modal logistics providers in Africa
Connect hinterland demand centers to major ports with world class service providers
Promote sustainability and common user access



For any inquiries, please call or email us:

Tel: (230)212 9800   |   Fax: (230) 212 9833

our address

33 Edith Cavell Street, Port Louis

11324 Mauritius


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